Highly abundant transcripts are present in hundreds of copies per cell. These are most often observed when a cell is producing an enormous quantity of a particular protein or is high specialized or differentiated to perform a unique function. Medium abundance transcripts are best thought of as being present in dozens of copies per cell; many genes with housekeeping 14 functions manifest their mRNAs at this level of prevalence in the cell. Low abundance mRNAs are generally prevalent in 10 or fewer copies per cell and often are difficult to assay
by many of the older classical techniques, such as Northern analysis , without some form of enrichment in order to increase the statistical probability that such rare messages will be detectable. Very low bundance mRNAs are those present in fewer than one copy per cell, a designation which generally is generally associated with heterogeneous tissue samples or, very commonly, in cases where cancer cells growin in culture manifest a variable, heterogeneous karyotype. In the past these types of mRNAs were referred to as the “ hard to clone genes ” , though newer methods.